你是什麼顏色? What Colour Are You?



當然, 沒有一個人是單一一種顏色的﹔







怎麼說呢? 舉個例子 :

我 : 要不要去看 XXXX 這部電影?

馬少 : 那個女主角最近好像肥了﹐導演曾導過 YYYY, ABC, ZZZZ, 那個男主角得過奧斯卡金像獎﹐劇本。。。。。 (以下省略100個字)

我 : =.=||| 那你到底要不要看? 。。。。。。。




藍色的人如果不想血壓過高﹐絕對需要去練練瑜伽之類的活動。 😛



藍 Cool Blue:

Gifts : Knowledge, detail, asks, probing questions, thorough follow up, accuracy, precision

Liabilities : Interaction may be difficult or stuffy, questions may be seen as critical & insensitive, overlooks others’ feeling, focus on inconsequential detials

綠 Earth Green﹑

Gifts : build deep, long term relationships, natural listener, sincere & warm, presistent

Liabilities : slow to adapt and may be reluctant to change, slow decision making, avoids rejection, takes difficulties personally

黃 Sunshine Yellow

Gifts : quick to build relationships, friendly & sociable, adaptable, imaginative, skilful presenter

Liabilities : may lack of focus, too casual for some, poor planning and follow-up, bored easily

紅 Fiery Red

Gifts : confident, determined,meets challenges head-on, focused, influencing others

Liabilities : poor listener, can be seen as arrogant, may push too hard, doesn’t wait for feedback

25 Comments Add yours

  1. vndone says:


    1. CK says:


      1. Count yourself lucky that it is happening to you: It’s your PRIVILEGE! *muahahaha*

        你很幸运因为这发生在你身上。 这是你的特权!哈哈哈哈…

      2. vndone says:


      3. CK says:

        I wish I dont have that 特权, it makes me HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, hahaha. 😛

  2. vndone says:


    1. His life is so “spicy” now, thanks to me! Hahahaha…


  3. mimid3vils says:

    我也是straight to the point的 人咯 ^^ * High 5*

    1. CK says:

      Yay, high 5! Sure you will also faint when chatting with Mr Mah. hahahha 😛

  4. aibolim says:

    ck, pity you.. next time when he does that again, just shout at him by saying 你有完没完啊!!?
    Life for Beginners, patience can be limited sometimes and some spices can be volatile.. XD

    1. I’ll have you know that CK here himself did the same thing to me when I asked him whether he wanted me to Photoshop a pic for him for this post, and he went on and on about must have four colours lah, and must be these four colours, maybe can google for an image, or whether should include the word “Connect” cos it’s the name of the course…. without answering Y/N to my question… Eh, want the pic or not?

      See? He’s also the same! LOL

      1. CK says:

        I will say, that must be your BAD INFLUENCE!!!! hahahah. 😛

      2. aibolim says:

        Apparantly, both of you are dua kali lima now.. XD this is called 互补 and it spices up your life!

      3. @aibolim: Actually we are both 互互, since we spent so much time on the internet.

        @CK: Dunno who influence who first leh… *la la la la la la la*

      4. aibolim says:

        @Life for Beginners, what is 互互? Can’t understand lah..

      5. CK says:

        Please wait for my next post, then u will know, hahahaha. 😉

  5. Looi Fang says:

    My sister and brother in law also like that; one very loso, one very straight. But they get along xtremely well. Gotten married for more than 10 years now still like in honeymoon^^

    1. CK says:

      Wow, thats great!
      I need to go and learn some yoga 1st, help to reduce my blood pressure. 😛

  6. jemima says:

    To DWP & DID:

    责骂是爱 敲打是关心

    I hope the yahoo translator knows what I’m talking about. 😛

    1. CK says:

      Hahaha, I get what you mean.

      But when I translate the sentence back to english by google translate, this is what i get :

      “Beat is concerned about the blame is love” 😛

      1. Methinks you both mean, “Beating is concern; scolding is love.” (Da shi teng; ma shi ai)

        Or is it the other way round? 😛

  7. lena says:

    you must be a very nice devil..considering the fact that you’re still so patient with him..can be very annoying leh..since mr mah always beat around the bush, i suggest next time dont have to ask for his opinion..do it first , then only tell him

    1. CK says:

      Ya ya ya, good idea, next time do 1st, then only tell him. hahaha 😉

      1. Hahaha… Very funny… NOT. 😛

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