上星期到新加坡出席一個公司內部的technical seminar。
通常我對這種technical seminar 是沒什麼興趣的﹔
而且多數的presenter 催眠功力極深﹐一不小心就會被催睡。
二﹐出席的通常都得present一個topic﹐present 倒是小事﹐
最討厭的是Q and A的時段﹐他們提問的問題通常都不是我所能回答的。
不過討厭歸討厭﹐最後我還是決定出席﹐因為Seminar 分別是星期三和星期四﹐
更應該吃幾頓美食來犒賞自己。 😛
And of course, your ever-reliable sidekick (i.e. me) had to tag along – after all, someone had to take the photos, right? 😛
Most of the foods photos taken by me leh, u lazy dun want to take……. 😛
Not I lazy lah… give you opportunity to practice your photography skills leh.
Plus, all the Clarke Quay shots were mine. Had to walk under hot, hot sun to get them some more… 😛
Poor Kenny, had to hang yourself around the city alone.
Uhm, I didn’t hang myself leh… Still very much alive… 😛
I bet you guys did some shopping. 😛
Well, I know I didn’t… 😛
Only one jacket + one perfume………… 😛