








Typica Cafe豆原
GL-08, Ground Floor, 
Shaw Parade Plaza,
Changkat Thambi Dollah,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel:+603 – 2145 0328

16 Comments Add yours

  1. alive says:


    1. CK says:

      我懂得也不多﹐就單純的喜歡喝而已。 🙂

  2. Renee says:

    咖啡.. 我也不懂.. 😛
    Btw.. a simple n nice blog.. 🙂

    1. CK says:

      Thanks Renee!
      Actually Igraduated from NTU too! haha!
      就單純的喜歡喝咖啡﹐和那種被咖啡香保圍的感覺﹐香香﹐暖暖的。 🙂

  3. Sean says:

    phew! luckily your heart wasn’t broken while pouring in the coffee. heheh 😀

    1. CK says:

      LOL, u should go there and try their ice coffee, then see your heart break or not. 😛

      1. I’m not sure if Sean is heartless enough that he’s safe from breaking his heart… but I’m certain his tummy is BOTTOMLESS… We’ve both seen how much he can eat! LOL

  4. jemima says:

    Whose leg is that??? 😛

    1. Clue: Neither Devil CK’s nor mine. 😛

  5. Looi Fang says:

    cant imagine Kenny in those pants, and the slippers are not branded so cant be CK’s leg…XD

    1. Hahaha… You know us so very well! 😛

  6. js says:

    very good, so far yet to found any cafe in JB prepared coffee ice cube.
    interesting that pouring in coffee might caused “heart break”

    1. CK says:

      Hope you can find the cafe in JB prepared coffee ice cube, so next time when i back to JB can go try try! 😀

  7. Choi Yen says:

    不能喝因为会失眠,也不爱它苦苦的味道 =.=”

    1. CK says:

      吃的苦中苦﹐方為人上人﹐哈哈哈。 😛

    2. Oh there are some coffee drinks which are sweeter and less bitter; then it’s more of the fragrance and the flavours which will entice you, my dear… 😉

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