









看﹐我多貫徹始終啊 (這成語是這樣用的嗎?)﹐那像你們。 😛

什麼? 要跟我翻臉? 不要醬啦﹐好啦好啦﹐在這裡祝你們從今以後 :



那總可以了吧?  😛

噢﹐By the way﹐我要去台北玩囉﹐你們慢慢加油吧﹐哈哈哈。 😛

23 Comments Add yours

  1. jemima says:

    Well, it’s already Friday. I don’t think anyone would be complaining until they get back to work on Monday. 😛

    Happy weekend, CK. 😀

    1. CK says:

      There is a public holiday on next tuesday, I guess not too bad for next week. 😛

      Happy weekend to you too!!! 😀

      1. Haha, you didn’t mention to Jemima that we’re on holiday for the entire week and more! 😛

      2. CK says:

        Now you mention jor loh. 😛

      3. I know. I’m so helpful hor? 😛

    2. jemima says:

      Mr Mah & Mr CK, do enjoy your “smelly taufu”. 😛

      CK, your angel in disguise must be so buzy packing that he doesn’t have time to visit me liaw hor.. 😛

      1. CK says:

        Dun think we would try the “smelly taufu” 😛
        Actually we have not packed our luggage yet hahaha. 😛

  2. Looi Fang says:

    I oso no mood to work. lepak in office for 1 week ady…

    1. CK says:

      Hahaha, new year not over yet mah, continue to lepak loh. 😛

      1. Haha, you teach your friends and readers the wrong things lah, Mr. CK… 😛

      2. CK says:

        Where got wrong things, new year mah, should relax relax. 😛

      3. Looi Fang says:

        haha, why cant we only start working after 15th Feb? It will b great for all of us 😛

      4. CK says:

        Yaloh, agree!!
        But I think hor, even I start work on 15th, also no mood one lah, hahaha.

      5. Ya, ya, that’s an EXCELLENT suggestion! 😀

      6. Looi Fang says:

        please hire me if you guys start a business !!!!

      7. We are not interested in starting a business, just in becoming tai-tai’s. Can you show us HOW? 😆

  3. bertyuanlim says:

    嗯嗯嗯 别再new year mood了,大家回到现实,工作去!这样日子才容易过~!
    p.s.老师是酱的啦,稍微长气点~ ^^

    1. CK says:

      Yes Sir!!! 😛

  4. mimid3vils says:

    I also “hea hea hea” at office & now reading your blog, haha!!

    Enjoy ur Taiwan trip!!

    1. Haha… it’s catching on… 😛

    2. CK says:

      Thanks mimidevils, you have a good weekend too! 😉

  5. lena says:

    if you dont work , where got income? Unless if you got substantial welath and passive income coming in, then i suggest you quit your job now and do what you want to do..another option is yeah, become a rich tai-tai but then u still got to work to source for that rich ‘water fish’ , then you can really shake legs, play mahjong and shop all day long!

    1. CK says:

      Yaloh, before “someone” turn into a rich “water fish”, I guess I still have to work.
      Otherwise no income for 敗家 and travelling. 😛

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