馬少和Diva 版本的–超級白

今天艾伯林send了我一個youtube 的link。。。。。

然後馬少和Diva 就瘋了。

蹬! 蹬! 蹬! 蹬!

各位觀眾請觀賞﹐ 2011度年最佳表演﹐馬少和Diva ‘深情/投入/忘我’的精彩演出!



後記 : 都是艾伯林的錯﹐

現在他們倆沒事就一直在這裡 “超級白﹐超級白” 的唱不停。。。

24 Comments Add yours

  1. vndone says:


    1. CK says:

      Dun faint dun faint, happy friday mah! hahahah 😛

  2. Ummmmm. The song sounds *vaguely* familiar. Hahaha. Kenny and Diva….you guys are SICK! 😛 Lub u guys!

    1. Diva SICK-er than me. 😛
      Lubs you too, dear!

  3. Looi Fang says:

    Nice song… who wrote the lyrics????!

    1. CK says:

      Crazy song!!! LOL
      作詞:Eli 作曲:Hyhy

  4. bertyuanlim says:

    咳、咳……!偶尔开心就好~ 😛

    1. CK says:


      1. bertyuanlim says:


      2. CK says:

        哈哈哈﹐好東西要分享嘛! 😛

      3. bertyuanlim says:


      4. Looi Fang says:


      5. CK says:

        哈哈哈﹐應該聽完它﹐他們勇氣可嘉喔﹐哈哈! 😛

  5. jemima says:

    Gosh! If one doesn’t listen carefully, both of them seemed to be singing an obscene word in hokkien that means “sheath”. 😛

    1. CK says:

      Hahahaha, they are so happy to keep singing and repeat that “sheath” ! 😛

  6. Sean says:

    yay, 42 views for this video in just a few hours already! 😀
    wonder if they would take song requests for their next duet. i’d like to request chumbawamba’s “tubthumping” for their next song 😛

    1. CK says:

      I can help them to video tape it if they sing. 😛

  7. Choi Yen says:

    Diva so excited hor… *faint* Did you tell her the “meaning” of that phrase? >.<

    1. Actually hor, we are singing “Super White” (超級白) in Mandarin Chinese ma. Very innocent wan. 😀

    2. CK says:

      She knows better than us, lol 😛

  8. Lulu Prodigal says:

    Fainted …lolz

    1. CK says:

      Hahahaha, funny leh? 😛

  9. leonheart says:

    Extremely funny!!!! 真的有这首歌吗?还是你朋友发明的?

    1. CK says:

      I thought it is a new song, but actually 2009 one, song name : 超級白. 😛

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