







其實﹐其實我也是受害者來的。。。。 (你們一定要相信我)














不過反正他們不會來看我的post﹐所以應該不知道。 😛




55 Comments Add yours

  1. And imagine… these are but a very small percentage of the bags he has… and can you imagine if there are more bags, there must be many more clothes/bags/accessories that he bought?

    The horrors! The shopping! The brand-whore! 😛

    1. Looi Fang says:

      Kenny, should I pity you or envy you ??

      1. CK says:

        Mr Mah has been converted, he can do a post with his own paper bags as well, so dun pity him, hahahaha.

      2. Looi Fang, you should pity me… the mini-shocks I get each time he sends me a message: “Damage: RMXXXX.” Fainted, I tell you…

    2. CK says:

      Hey Mr Mah, some of these paper bags are contributed by you ok? 😛

      1. Looi Fang says:

        same same lar… 500 gram and half kg…

      2. CK says:

        500 gram and half kg, hmm ok ok, I can accept that, hahahahha.
        Mr Mah see this, Ah Fang agrees u are 500g.

      3. I got contribute meh? Don’t remember… 😛

  2. Looi Fang says:

    姥姥, I think your collection can start a branded goods rental shop. very good business in Japan…

    1. CK says:

      You think too much lah 院长, I dun have that many, just paper bags only…….. 😛

      1. Where got paper bags only? When they came home with us, got shirts lah, pants lah, shorts lah, underwear lah, belts lah, shoes lah, etc. inside of them wor…

        P.S. I am more like 10g and CK more like 100kg leh… 😛

  3. mimid3vils says:

    那些paper bag都是你的? OMG!!! 我好像看见Hermes wor..

    1. CK says:

      Hahaha, mostly lah, except that channel one, but some from Mr Mah also.
      Wah, ur eyes very sharp leh, like that also can see that Hermes paper bag.

    2. I must clarify the HERMES was definitely NOT my purchase… hence my 10g to his 100kg. Hehe.

  4. aibolim says:


    1. CK says:

      Who who, who is the 贼? Mr Mah, Albert said u are the 贼. 😛

      1. 我不是贼。我是受害者。

    2. Who is the thief? I am the victim… 😛

  5. 路路 says:

    哇老, 自己根本就是要买…还讲那么多…哈哈

    Kenny, he bought for you leh although you’ve contributed 10%.
    But it’s true, he has influenced you greatly.

    近朱者赤 近墨者黑


    1. Fainted… Red? Black? I think CK is gonna beat you up until black-and-blue for saying this… LOL

    2. CK says:

      I just tell the truth, hahahahha, I’m victim too. 😛
      Mr Mah has the potential for to be a Brandwhore, that why so easy to get influenced, LOL 😛

      1. Chis! To think I replied to defend you and to take revenge for you. Dunwan friend u oredi… 🙁

  6. 路路 says:

    Kenny Mah defintely become brand Whore liao, for sure.

    First branded he bought was a long pant which he claimed it’s for office wear, else won’t buy an expensive stuff like that. 😛

    1. Okay forget about CK; I’m gonna do the honours and wallop your ass! 😛

      Anyway, I’m not a brandwhore. I simply go for, uhm, QUALITY. Hehe. 😉

  7. jemima says:

    Wait!!! Where is the Tiffany’s bag??? 😛

    1. CK says:

      Dear Jemima, we dun have Tiffany’s product at home, I’m waiting for someone to buy for me. 😛

      1. jemima says:

        you’ve just given someone a HUGE hint. 😛

      2. He can have the Tiffany’s bag; I’ll keep what’s in the Tiffany’s box, hehe.

        P.S. I also waiting… 😛

      3. CK says:

        Since we both are waiting, maybe dear Jemima can get us both Tiffany’s. 😀

      4. For once, I agree with the Devil! Excellent idea! 😀

      5. jemima says:

        OK! You’ll each get a Tiffany gift from me – paper bag & box included when I become a Billionaire. I promise! 😀

      6. CK says:

        Billionaire in rupiah ok? 😉 And I want ferrari also. 😛

      7. jemima says:

        Rupiah??? Then, you’ll get the pasar malam Tiffany! 😛

        Anyway, I’ve got you a new title:

        The Devil who Wears Prada is a Mahjong Tuition Guru who drives a Ferrari & can cook Mee Sua.


      8. CK says:

        Dear Jemima, that title is super super loooong. lol
        And Kenny asked where is the Ferrari? 😀

      9. jemima says:

        The monk has driven it away.

      10. Then Jemima can help us drive it back ma… 😉

      11. jemima says:

        Robin S. Sharma will… 😉

      12. Right. Until Mr. Sharma drives it back to us, is Ms. Jemima going to chaffeur us around in a Lamborghini or Maserati at least? 😀

      13. jemima says:

        I can chauffeur you guys around in a 三轮车. 😛

      14. CK says:

        三轮车? That’s so cool!
        Mr Mah will think that is soooo romantic, he will write a 10 pages long post after that, hahahaha. 😛

      15. Mr. Mah will beat Mr. Lim’s ass upside-down first… then get on the 三轮车 driven by the Divine Ms. Jemima.

        *sticks tongue out at mr. lim*

      16. jemima says:

        Now! Now! Boys! Happy Boys are handsome boys, remember??? 😀

        Put your tongue back into your mouth, Mr. Mah.

  8. lena says:

    wow, wow,wow, kenny mentioned that these are just a small percentage of what you’re having?am wondering now if your pyjamas or your “mah yin toong’ are also an expensive one? forget abt ‘pai kar’ as long as you love them and wearing them, if not , then it’s really ‘pai kar!’

    1. CK says:

      Dear Lena please dun listen to Kenny Mah, they just paper bags only lah, and we dun wear pyjamas at home, our sleep clothes cheap cheap one. Hahahaha. 😀

      1. Yeah… our sleepwear is from Uniqlo (but not the lousy offerings at the KL outlet; we got ours from Uniqlo Tokyo). 😀

      2. aibolim says:

        ck, are you sure you need pyjamas at home? *wondering*

      3. CK says:

        Of course we need, if someone sponsors us, hahahaha. My birthday falls in June, u know wat to do lah, hahahahha.

      4. aibolim says:

        err.. have I heard something? *pretend to be deaf* seriously just go shirtless while sleeping and it could safe cost (both laundry and shopping) XD

      5. CK says:

        That is what u are doing, right? hahahhaa 😀

      6. Looi Fang says:

        alamak, my first impression of you saying “we dun wear pyjamas at home” is you both stay naked all the time at home…oh boyyy, dont tell anyone where do you guys live…

      7. CK says:

        Fainted Ah Fang, u think too much lah, we dun wear pyjamas at home just mean we wear normal clothes for sleep.

  9. lena says:

    haha, another secret revealed! sometimes i do feel guilty looking at all the items i have in my bathroom, my skincare products..just that alone already made up to more than 10 items, then my hair products, some body items, my cosmetic items, my slimming products..the bad thing is i cant seem to use them all, really bad!

    1. CK says:

      Wow, you are the champion, Lena, at least I wear all my clothes….. 😛

  10. 老鼠医生 says:

    Wah!!! Mr. Lim. 以为我不会看您的Blog ? 牛不喝水, 如何让牛低头呢?:-) 赖得就赖。 欢迎加入我们这个肤浅的败家世界。 其实, 您做的更多, 您还招募了新会员 - 马少, hehehe. 不伤天,不害理, 开心就好嘛!

    1. CK says:


      我舉雙手雙腳同意﹐又不殺人放火﹐又不偷搶拐騙﹐開心就好啊! 😛

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